Diving into the intricate tapestry of life's natural rhythms, Maanasib is a creative haven where artistry knows no bounds, specializing in vibrant acrylic paintings and handcrafted treasures, our journey of expression is never ending! 

Exploring the complexity of natural patterns in life.

  • Placeholder


    18’ x 24’ Watercolor & Pen

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    "Colors of Creativity"

    10’ x 20’ Acrylic

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    Painting Turned Digital- Print!


  • My expertise lies in acrylic painting with the use of vibrant, bold, precise lines and textures. These paintings reflect the endless possibilities of creative expression.

  • COMING SOON! - Original stickers!

  • Where ordinary transforms into extraordinary.

    These items are handmade from real, semi-precious and glass beads. Here I focus on colors, shape, texture, movement, and dimensionality.

    For more please visit instagram account, @iimakejewelry

  • Here we blend art ad creativity to unveil the magic of fractals in everyday life. With a focus on handcrafted items like crochet animals, clay works, collages and more, I invite you to follow along as I further explore the endless possibilities of creativity.

  • NO NFTS! Prints from piece on canvas and digital works.


New Collection

Excited about these ones!


Welcome to @iimakejewelry! In this avenue of the art word I explore the complexity of fractals through beading. I make handmade jewelry sets & individual pieces.

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Embrace Creativity!

Reach out and be part of this journey!
